Exploring Charlotte, NC

Exploring Charlotte, NC

We hit the road on a 3 day, 3 game roadtrip to kick off the announcement of GIVE&GO Games.

Charlotte, NC was home base for this trip, so we flew the team in to prep, hang out, and start planning the trip from Charlotte to Chattanooga to Asheville to Greensboro and back.

The team landed at midnight and immediately got to work. Fresh packs had been delivered the night before, so we had product to work with and start planning around. 

We were able to meet up with some old friends to play a little before hitting the road. Jacob, a fellow GGer, was kind enough to meet up, have a beer, and play.

Check out our video on youtube, where we discuss one of our questions as it relates to soccer in America.

Cheers. See you in Chattanooga. 

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